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Preservation service providers for Westchester

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North Yonkers Preservation & Development Corp.
Type: Preservation
219 Ridge Ave
Yonkers, NY 10703
Angela Ascolillo
(914) 423-9754

North Yonkers Preservation & Development Corporation is a not-for-profit community-based organization. The organization provides housing related assistance to residents of Northwest Yonkers, including the following:

Housing Advocacy:

- assists tenants with illegal evictions

- tenant landlord issues

- legal representation in court

- building interventions

- forming of tenant associations.

Community Needs

- community meetings with public officials for all quality of life issues

- assist and hold block watch meetings

- assist residents with paper work or applications

- assist senior citizens with rent recertification, HEAP, STAR, tax forms

- prepare Income tax returns for residents

- monthly food pantry

- distributes farmers market vouchers

- Flu shots to senior citizens

- Senior transportation program that provides transportation to doctors appointments, grocery shopping, community events, etc.

- Senior nutritional lunch program five days a week

- after school program <br>- toy and coat drives for the needy

Crime prevention/anti bullying program offered to all schools in Yonkers. Crime prevention programs offered at community events.

Human Development Services of Westchester
Type: Preservation
28 Adee Street
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Andrea Kocsis
(914) 939-2005

Human Development Services of Westchester, Inc. is a social service organization providing quality psychiatric, rehabilitative, residential and community stabilization in Westchester County. The agency is dedicated to empowering the individuals and families we serve to achieve self sufficiency.

Our Neighborhood Preservation Company is based in Port Chester, NY, address: 28 Adee St. Port Chester, NY 10573, 914 939-2005. The NPC Director is Blanca Lopez, MS. However, as a HUD-certified Housing Counseling Agency, our NPC serves persons throughout Westchester County, especially in its work assisting persons with mortgage foreclosure issues, and persons who wish to access reverse mortgage arrangements.

HDSW offers a wide variety of housing and housing-related support services in English & Spanish to renters and homeowners living in Port Chester & surrounding communities. the NPC staff assists residents to prevent evictions, makes housing referrals, offers financial literacy and credit counseling education, first time home-buyer counseling & education, foreclosure and default counseling, and assistance to obtain reverse mortgages. The NPC works with the Port Chester and Westchester County residents and community-based organizations to sustain and increase affordable housing in the Village and County.

Interfaith Council for Action, Inc.
Type: Preservation
138 Spring ST PO Box 790
Ossining, NY 10562
Karen D'Attore
(914) 941-5252

Organized in 1968 by the community members, today IFCA provides a range of affordable housing developments, property management and supportive services to low and moderate income people. IFCA owns and manages affordable apartments in Ossining and Tarrytown NY. It is also a pioneer in the development of transitional housing for the homeless, currently maintaining 16 units throughout Westchester County's Emergency Housing Apartment program (EHAP). IFCA's professional staff provides property management services including tenant selection, Lease-ups, rent collection and after-hour emergency service. A Staff Social worker provides supportive services to tenants in the EHAP program.

 In addition to developing and managing affordable rental housing, IFCA has also taken on innovative community service programs to help hundreds of people, beyond its tenant base. For example, we offer a free income tax preparation service and financial workshops for low-wage workers. Our Family Self Sufficiency Program includes counseling and referral services for eligible families who are decreasing their dependence on subsidies. For children, IFCA offers camp scholarships, back to school clothes, a safe outdoor play space initiative, food backpacks and holiday toy drives. IFCA also runs a neighborhood thrift shop, selling gently used clothing and household items donated by people in the community.

Washingtonville Housing Alliance, Inc.
Type: Preservation
136 Library LN
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Theresa Tilson
(914) 698-4299

Washingtonville Housing Alliance (WHA) was formed in 1980 to address the growing concerns for affordable safe housing for low and moderate-income residents on the Mamaroneck area. The Alliance constructs new housing, improves existing housing , and undertakes other supportive activities designed to sustain a community that is culturally diverse, multi-generational, and of mixed income. Our organization is directed by a 15-person volunteer board who donate time and expertise to assist with public relations, legal, fundraising, and other matters.
Since our inception, WHA has constructed or rehabilitated 115 apartments including 75 units for seniors. In addition, fourteen homes were developed for first time home buyers. Currently, we have 40 affordable rental units. We also offer a variety of social service supports and referrals, including employment counseling and home finding assistance, to both our tenants and to low and moderate income members of the community-at-large. WHA is committed to fostering self-sufficiency and a high quality -of-life.
WHA Tenant Eviction Prevention Program (TEPP) offers grants to tenants facing eviction and for issues that directly affect housing security. We work closely with area faith-based institutions to leverage funds for the clients.

Mount Vernon United Tenants
Type: Preservation
2 Gramatan Ave PO Box 2107
Suite 304
Mount Vernon, NY 10550
Dennis Hanratty
(914) 699-1114

Mount Vernon United Tenants, Inc. is a city-wide, membership organization whose primary service area is the South side of Mount Vernon where the majority of sub-standard housing exists. However, we regularly provide our services to the neighboring areas including the North side of Mount Vernon, New Rochelle, Yonkers and even some of the more Northern Westchester towns and cities.

Program efforts fall primarily under three (3) categories:

1) Tenant Action Program (TAP):

MVUT organizes unorganized tenants within individual buildings to fight for increased services; a lessening of landlord harassment and more affordable rents. We typically engage in approximately twelve (12) building organizing campaigns each year. Most of these organizing efforts result in the landlord reinvesting resources into the building. We work closely with the local code-enforcement office to monitor complaints; and where applicable (those buildings covered under the New York State Tenant Protection Laws) we assist tenants and tenant associations in filing administrative complaints to the New York State Homes and Community Renewal (NYS-HCR) agency. We also work with Legal Services of the Hudson Valley to assist tenants and tenant associations in organizing to file affirmative court motions and/or organize rent-withholding efforts designed to force landlords to maintain services via court orders.

2) Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP):

MVUT provides intensive case management for tenants at risk of eviction. We assist tenants with administrative and/or judicial responses to local court actions. We mediate between landlords and tenants; help prepare repayment plans; assist in identifying and collecting resources (financial and other); prepare meritorious defenses; etc. We successfully prevent well over 100 evictions per year.

3) Rehousing Services:

Where the eviction cannot be prevented, we will provide direct rehousing services to a broad group of displaced individuals/families and we rehouse approximately twenty (20) families per year.

Westhab in Yonkers, Inc.
Type: Preservation
8 Bashford Street
Elmsford, NY 10523
Kenneth Belfer
(914) 345-2800

Westhab in Yonkers (WIY) leads housing and community development efforts in Southwest Yonkers. Among the many activities undertaken by WIY are the development of workforce family housing, housing for disabled veterans and supportive housing for single adults.

WIY is also involved in a comprehensive plan to assist the transformation of the Nodine Hill neighborhood, which includes provision of housing, social services and community building. The initial phase of this work was funded by the NYS Main Street program and will now continue with the development of affordable housing.

Since 2003, Westhab in Yonkers has completed six projects leveraging $26,000,000 in new housing resources for the service area. That number continues to grow.

The Preservation Company, Inc.
Type: Preservation
1037 Main ST
Peekskill, NY 10566
Jeanette Phillips
(914) 734-8795

The Preservation Company, Inc. (the "Preservation Company") is a housing and community development organization serving Peekskill. Its mission is to increase and improve the supply of housing for low and moderate income households and to contribute to community development and revitalization efforts.

The Preservation Company store front office is easily accessed by public transportation. They maintain an "open-door-policy" that welcomes everyone on a walk-in basis. They are open regularly from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays and during evenings and weekends by appointment.

The Preservation Company is staffed by trained professionals experienced in administration, housing development and management, and tenant and homeowner services. A variety of services and programs are administered that can meet the needs of families at many different levels.

Along with workshops and assistance with the purchase and mortgaging of a home, they also provide rental housing and look for opportunities to expand the supply of affordable rental and home ownership housing. In addition, they provide tenant services, including Eviction Prevention, 1st Months rent, Security Deposit, mediation services and referrals to organizations for rent assistance.

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New York Division of Housing and Community Renewal  | 
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